Gamma Phi Beta is nationally dedicated to providing experiences and resources that build spiritual, mental, and social resiliency in girls. Our philanthropic focus is building strong girls. Every year we host a pancake breakfast, as well as a Moonball competition, in which all profits benefit our philanthropic partner: Girls On The Run. Our philanthropy events are not only fun for our chapter members and all UCSB Greek life, but they also support a great cause.

Each year, we host our Pancake Breakfast. This is one of our biggest philanthropic events that helps to support Girls on the Run! All of our sisters help to make pancakes, bacon, and eggs, and we host friends, family, and all UCSB Greek life and students in our courtyard. There is a different theme every year, and the courtyard is decorated correspondingly! It is so fun to have everyone join us for pancakes to support such an amazing cause, and we look forward to it every year.

Moonball is our other big philanthropy event of the year! Moonball is a giant kickball tournament hosted by Gamma Phi. We invite all UCSB Greek Life to enter teams and compete in tournament style kickball games. Moonball is always such a big success and we always have such a great time cheering on all our fellow Greek Life organizations. Moonball gives our sisters the opportunity to spend time with each other and all UCSB Greek Life. We love seeing everyone come together and play such a fun game to support our philanthropy!